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We got a visitor
Nora Percival, whose life’s work with the Kenya Health Education Ministry, recently paid a visit to the Star of Hope Centre and Stella Blue Campus. 

Nora’s ministry aims to bring personal health and wellbeing awareness to all Kenyans, allowing them to overcome avoidable tragedies such as high rates of anemia, death of women from birth-related causes, and malaria. Her curriculum, CRÈME (Clean Rest Eat Move Everyday), is being taught to volunteers and students in healthcare throughout Kenya to help spread the healthy word. You can find out how to donate to her mission below.

Nora and some of her students in Kenya.


While Nora toured our facilities, she took a couple snapshots of the temporary classrooms our High School students are using while our new campus is being completed.

She visited during a school break and spent time with our resident students. These are children that are permanent Star of Hope/Stella Blue residents, as they have no families other than the Star of Hope/Stella Blue staff.


She saw the care they receive and shared with us her sense of gratitude and appreciation for the work we do to lift the people of rural Kenya out of a cycle of disease and poverty.

As luck would have it, Nora’s visit coincides with the start of our new project — The Stella Blue Infirmary. With contributions from a generous donor, we are creating a new space to house a small infirmary for the Stella Blue and Star of Hope Centre students, staff, and residents. Nora plans a return visit in July, offering assistance and bringing supplies. We are hoping to have the infirmary up and open for business within a few months.  


Leonard, Executive Director (far right), with students from Star of Hope Centre and Stella Blue face obstacles such as Covid-19, Malaria, and HIV-Aids (transferred in utero), which have had severe impacts on the Chebukuyi community 

Nora returned to our school recently and shared new photos of our campus,  students and staff. With gratitude those are shown below.

Healthcare is a huge issue for all our students and staff, as well as the residents of the Chebukuyi community. We are honored to have Nora join us in our efforts to promote good basic healthcare habits.


Want to support Nora's work?

1. Write a check to:

University Friends Meeting (UFM)

4001 9th Avenue NE, Seattle

WA 98105

Or go to and click the word Donate at the bottom of the page to give via Paypal.

2. Write “Kenya Ministry” in the note field, so UFM allocates the donation correctly.

Nora training CHVs on the north coast to use the blood pressure monitorsI brought them

If you would like to donate to Stella Blue High School’s burgeoning infirmary, use our donation form, and in the comments, indicate “infirmary” so we can direct the funds.  

All images are copyrighted and owned by Nora Percival, Kenya Health Education Ministry. We use them with gratitude.

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