Our board is committed to using 100% of the gifts
towards our mission.
The only salary we pay is to school staff.
These stars need our help
to go to school.
Please donate today.

What a stellar year!
2023 brought new donors, staff, sewing machines, an expanded health clinic and our first graduating class!

With gratitude for generous donors like you, we have raised nearly $100,000 since our launch in 2020.
Watch the mini-documentary we created to tell you our story.
To help with our running costs, i.e. teachers salaries, supplies, and maintenance, please help each month with a recurring donation.
In 2022 our focus shifted from the brick and mortar build
to maintenance costs, science lab equipment, and healthcare.
"Stella Blue is living her vision of intervention for the needy children in the community. That impact is visible and acknowledged by most community members."
— Leonard Muyelele, Director at Stella Blue High School and Star of Hope Centre, Feb. 2023
Goals for 2024:
Increase teacher salaries.
Give a new class of 9th graders uniforms, books, and stationary.
Feed the kids daily nutritious meals in conjunction with Star of Hope.
Continue to fund the school healthcare program with a nurse and basic medical supplies i.e., medication and vaccinations.
Fundraising for an adjustable bed.
Write "infirmary" in a comment on your donation form to help with this effort.
Support the campus infrastructure — electrical, water accessibility, materials and crop security.
Provide sports equipment, art supplies, and more books for the library
No skimming here! We have only 4% admin expenses, which are primarily transaction fees.

These are some of the students at Stella's Stars High School, proudly showing off their new uniforms!

Stella's Stars is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 86-1894293